Protecting you and your family from unforeseen circumstances is vital to your financial well-being, now and in the years to come. And there are no shortage of situations where insurance is necessary, like insuring your home against damage or theft, or going on holiday.
But how can you decide what kinds of insurance should be a priority for you? The following list may help you put your protection needs in perspective;
- Stolen car.
- Burglary.
- Major illness, e.g. heart attack.
- Stolen credit cards.
- Fire at home.
- Your family surviving without your income.
Now ask yourself;
- ‘Which of the above have I insured against?’
- ‘Which of the above have I not insured against?’
You may wish to consider the following fact;
More than 1 in 3 people in the UK will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime. (Source: Cancer Research UK, May 2014)
Providing protection cover in the various forms of life, critical illness and disability solutions is one of the fundamentals of our business.
- Life Cover (including Term Assurance and Whole of Life.)
- Critical Illness.
- Income Protection.
- Employee Benefits.
- Private Medical Insurance.
The above are just a selection of the solutions available. Please seek our advice so that we can tailor a solution specifically for your needs.